To initiate a Player Transfer Trade with another member, you must obtain that player’s username. Visit the Forum to locate a buyer.
Option 1: Find a Buyer
1. Choose an available buyer.
2. Create a post stating that you’re interested in selling your Player Transfer and that you’ll provide all the necessary information via Private Message.
3. Private Message the interested buyer to initiate the trade.
4. Upon their reply, review our article on “How to Coordinate a Player Transfer Trade in Private Message” before proceeding.
Option 2: Advertise Your Player Transfer
1. Create a new Player Transfer topic in the Forum's Marketplace.
2. List the dollar amount of your Player Transfer along with your preferred transaction method(s).
3. Await a response from a prospective buyer.
4. If the prospective buyer meets your criteria, review our article on “How to Coordinate a Player Transfer Trade in Private Message” before proceeding.
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